Skill you are practising: Relating addition and multiplication

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Select the expression from the options below that equals × ?

Oh no! That was incorrect!

Correct answer:

Here is an explanation

First, let's check the question

Which expression equals × ?

Your incorrect answer is:

Next, let's check the solution.

You were made aware that multiplication expressions can be shown as repeated addition of a number. Let's dive a bit more into it and see what this means.

You can use repeated addition to show ×

To find the addition expression, We need to visualize × as an array of dots. (As a reminder: An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows is called an array).

Look at an array of dots with rows and dots in each row.


If you were asked to find out the number of dots in above array model, you first reaction could be that it's easy,
as you can just count from 1 onwards. However counting itself is not a feasible solution in many cases.
for example, if above group have 123 rows and 12 dots in each row, it will take you forever to know the total
number of dots. That's why learning multiplication is important.

You can find the number of dots in the array by multiplying × or by adding s together times.

× =